
In Fitness

What Happens To Your Body When You Stop Exercising

😤😤I have never thought of exercises my body talk-less of trying it...
   But please my viewers those of you who stopped doing exercises I will advice you to at least try not to follow through on the temptation to just quit.  
Here's exactly what you can expect to happen to your body if you give up exercise:
- Within 10 days: Your brain might start to change. For years, researchers have noticed that exercise is good for your brain too. According to one 2013 review, it might be able to help offset age-related memory loss.

- Within two weeks: Your endurance will plummet and your vital may spike. After 14days, you might have a harder time climbing a flight of stairs.

- Within four weeks: Your strength will start slipping. The doctor's estimate that some people will notice their strength declining after about two weeks of inactivity, which others will begin to see difference after about four weeks.

- Within eight weeks: You might gain fat.
The doctor's estimate that people will start to notice a physical change either by looking in the mirror or at the number on the scale after about six weeks.
< Think :Cycling ,using the elliptical or even light walking.> Just don't quit moving altogether -- your body, brain and waist line will thank you.
But for those who exercise their body every time ...

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