
In Opinion

Can Trump's America Decision To Close Its Border Mean The End For America

On September 11, 2016, Americans elected a new president. Through the campaign period, Trump has acquired many foes as well as allies and has proven himself to be a radical personality, a straightforward, outspoken and controversy generating individual.

In his inauguration speech, he mentioned that America needs a president who will fight only for the interest of America, this sums up Trump’s vision as a president. Literally, Trump hopes to be a selfish president for America. A president who will do what lies in the interest of America irrespective of measures against other nationalities.

On another hand, in the book “Age of Tolerance”, a classic Asian-American economists pointed out how nations has risen, America inclusive, by opening up their border and how empires have fallen by closing their borders, for example, 16th century China.  

A question that often begs the mind is “Can Trump’s America decision to close its border mean the end for America”.

In 1886, the statue of liberty was erected in the heart of America and on it was written “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses, yearning to breathe free. The wretched refuse of your teeming shore, send these, the homeless to me, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” This is what the founding fathers of the United States of America stood for, this is what their forefathers fought for or at least claimed to have fought for. 

A deviation from this standard of freedom and liberty would be a total deviation from the essential national identity of the nation and how a nation without national identity hopes to move forward.

Einstein’s, a German’s, equation gave America the upper hand in the Second World War. Feynman built the first nuclear reactor in America. America financial institutions and/or system developed by the hand of Jewish bankers. Contributions from individual of foreign nationalities, that America offered protection or just literally accepted, has given the nation economic and military edge at one or more crucial or critical time in the nation’s history.

Trump paranoia may not stop at Mexicans, Africans, and Arabs, his policies will one day affect and conflict Germans, Russians or Asians in America. Trump may not just build a Mexican border but also a wall around America, an American wall that will not only enclose or separate America’s land from the rest of the world but also segregate her interest from the rest of the world.

He presently is not on good term with the Russians (after his campaign statements), North Korea nuclear experiments are a dare to the American government face to which trump will either not react or react rashly , the new German president is anti-trump. World tensions escalating around the world may depend critically on Trump.
The rising of an all American wall may deny her this edge it has always so enjoyed and actually re-distribute human resources around the world. American segregation may trigger many nations around the world closing their own borders.

So, will the Mexican border rise and will an American wall follow suit?! What significance with this have for America, countries around the world and to the world itself?! Is this true that America did bomb herself 9/11 2016?! Will this be the end of the American hegemony?! Has Americans taken a step towards all of these by voting Trump in. Nonetheless, the full actualization of this will depend on their stands on trumps policies, will they be bold enough to accept the right but reject the wrong policies or will they accept them all.
America may be in a critical situation as at now and Her future hangs in balance in the hands of Americans.

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